By Michael Ryan
How plans can change! On Sunday October 2, I drove all the way to Old Road high above the top Zipline to look for Warblers, but unfortunately the farmers have now fenced off that part of the road. So back to the ponds I headed!
Greetheeds Pond first, then Half Moon Pond, and then onto the South-East Peninsula to Major’s Bay Pond. When I got to Major’s Bay Pond, I casually looked in the corner closest to the Car ferry departure area, and I thought I saw a fish surface in the Pond. That is strange, I have never seen a fish in that pond before. And this thing was constantly moving left, right, back, left again, right ….. Out came the bino’s and after a quick look, I observed that it was not a fish but a bird in deeper water, with a very active feeding habit! I thought, “Surely, that’s got to be one of the Phalaropes”

Out came the camera, and after capturing adequate number of photos, checking the field guide, it was confirmed –A Wilson’s Phalarope!
A Wilson’s Phalarope has a long, pointed bill, a thin grey mark through the eye, light grey on top, white below, and yellow legs. This is the first sighting in St. Kitts!